Barrel Holdings

Sell Your Agency Business

Not Your Usual Buyers

As long-time operators of agency businesses, we understand the daily challenges of keeping the business afloat and profitable. For agency owners who are looking to transition out of the business to explore new career opportunities, we offer a fast and efficient way to move on.

Geared towards web agencies doing under $3 million in revenue and less than $500,000 in seller's discretionary earnings (SDE), we provide a way for you to leave the business while capturing upside from the existing assets and infrastructure you've built. We also engage with agencies that face profitability challenges or have balance sheet issues.

We are interested in agencies specializing in design, UX, web development, and marketing.

We act quickly and can put together an offer in two weeks. Our goal is to help you move on within 3 months of a transaction.

Get In Touch

If you're interested in learning more, send us an email to the address below and we'll be in touch within 24 hours.